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Dr.CAR for Raptores, for “Christel Vie Ensemble Foundation”

“Christel Vie Ensemble Foundation” is established by Ms. Christel Takigawa, a well-known anchorperson as well as an animal protection activist, in the aim of animal conservation and animal welfare-related activities.

“Can you please build Dr.CAR for animals?”

One day, we received one telephone call. It was from Christel Vie Ensemble Foundation.

They’ve found us and our Dr.CAR (for human hospitals) through the internet. During the discussion, we got to know this project clearer. It is for Raptores, it’ll be used in Kushiro (Hokkaido), it’ll used by a veterinarian called Dr. Saito at Institute for Raptor Biomedicine Japan.
We know Dr.Saito and his activity through several media coverages including nationwide TV program. The discussion gets a lot quicker when the parties have something in common.

20160419 Not long since our initial contact, Dr.Saito visited our office in Yokohama and we discussed about specifications of the vehicle; our first Dr.CAR for Raptores.
Please refer the blog at Christel foundation.

The vehicle is under manufacturing.
We update time to time for future activities including handing over ceremony.

〇Related Link:
Christel Vie Ensemble Foundation
Institute for Raptor Biomedicine Japan
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